Hey, Logic App friends. I’ve noticed that Logic Apps has increased in popularity. Because of this, I would like to make people aware of the articles I’ve published. Here a list of posts covering basic App Logic building blocks. All examples are simple to understand and recreate.
Logic App Versioning; essential to know
Before you dive into Logic Apps, make sure that you aren’t working with old samples. Some articles target older preview versions/schemas, which might be confusing because many things have changed. This includes the language, building blocks (actions), and, most of all, the GUI.
A basic tip. If you see the old GUI within examples, ignoring it. It can be frustrating to work with older examples. So, how do I know if the samples are based on an old version? By comparing the GUI as shown in the picture below;
Another pointer would be the schema version. It’s best to ignore version 2014-12-02. Old VS New
Logic Apps Examples
I’ve written many examples in the past. I’ve listed the ones that are helpful for day to day usage.
HTTP Post form data example
This post shows what it takes to Post data from within an HTTP action. Also, I cover how to construct ‘form-data’ and headers. Need to post JSON data? No problem.
Parsing JSON data
JSON is a popular notation for transmitting data through web services. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how to parse JSON within Logic Apps.
Dealing with Arrays and looping structures
In this article, I cover how to iterate over data. This is simple to do; however, there are some gotchas.
Debugging Http Actions
Integrating with different systems
Examples that can help integrating Logic apps with other systems.
Call Azure Automation run books
A sample-based on webbooks and, therefore, usable in many cases. This post explains how to reuse existing workbooks within your workflow. This can be a great automation purposes. For example, startup and suspend VM’s on-demand. Or even create new environments using Azure deployment templates.
Call Azure Functions within your Logic App
Serverless computing is getting more and more exciting. Therefore, it’s of great value to know how to integrate with Azure Functions.
More and more Logic Apps Examples are coming soon!
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